It has recently been reported that China has now overtaken the UK as the country with the world’s largest installed offshore wind capacity. This was after installing a whopping 3.6 GW in the first 6 months of 2021. The pace of construction this year has been particularly fast with the government’s current subsidy regime set to expire at the end of December.
South China has been the location for much of this construction activity, where there are several massive wind farms under construction and many more in planning, such as CNOOC’s 1GW Shantou project in Guangdong.
Whilst the speed of installation has been unprecedented, it hasn’t come without supply chain challenges, not least the worldwide lack of purpose-built installation vessels, which has been felt acutely in China.
Earlier this year, Carbon Trust undertook a thorough gap analysis of South China’s supply chain, the results of which will be presented during this webinar. The aim here is to explore where there might remain some niche opportunities for UK suppliers to get involved.
Further insight for Scottish and UK supply chain companies looking at accessing the South China market will come directly from two separate Chinese companies very active in this area, both with significant experience in collaborating with international partners and open to more.
First up will be Huadian Heavy Industries – a 1st tier EPC contractor on many of China’s biggest offshore wind farms, sharing some of their experience of working with international suppliers in the region.
Second will be Orient Cable (NBO) – headquartered in Ningbo and one of China’s leading cable manufacturers with recent experience of working on China Three Gorges’ floating wind farm pilot project in the South China Sea.
Join SDI and CBBC in learning more about current market trends in South China, with an eye to future opportunities for collaboration.
Date: Thursday 9th September 2021
Time: 9:00am -10:00am UK Time / 16:00pm -17:00pm China Time