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Private insurance group seeks UK business partners

Business Opportunity Summary:

Experienced UK geriatric or dementia care partners wanted by Chinese insurance group.

Text (Chinese):

This private insurance group not only provides insurance products; they also build facilities in the healthcare industry. For instance, they have invested in one hospital in a regional city in China. In addition, they are also setting up geriatric care divisions. The objective is not to build facilities, but to provide services. Therefore, they are now wanting to start providing dementia care including Alzheimer’s disease.

With the economic development, dementia including Alzheimer’s disease, is more recognised in Chinese society. To tackle this challenging situation and improve awareness, understanding and identifying care solutions, the private insurance group is looking for UK expertise.

The insurance group would like to work with UK partners that have:

- Operation experience with geriatric/dementia care
- China presence and/or team designated to China ideally
- For the time being, they are not keen to work with purely training companies in this field.

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