Race to Net Zero – Low Carbon Opportunities in Scotland

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With Scotland’s net zero target by 2045 and the coming COP26 in Glasgow in November 2021, SDI is going to host the webinar of “Race to Net Zero – Low Carbon Opportunities” on 14th Oct by working with CBBC. The webinar will shine a light on Scotland’s policy, strategy and commercial opportunities in offshore wind, hydrogen and low carbon heating which are open to overseas companies to access. 

Scotland owns 25% of Europe’s offshore wind resources. The next offshore wind leasing round, ScotWind, is now underway with projects to be announced in early 2022, which should see up to a further 10GW added to the Scottish market. Our speakers – from both government and developers – will outline how overseas players can get involved in Scotland’s supply chain clusters.

Scotland aims to meet its target of 5 GW of energy generated from hydrogen by 2030, and 25 GW by 2045. The Scottish Government has committed £100m between 2021 and 2026 to develop a hydrogen energy economy. You will learn from the event where this investment is being spent and what gaps still exist in the supply chain to deliver this.

Finally, Scotland's Climate Change Plan has set interim targets of 35% of domestic and 70% of non-domestic buildings' heat to be supplied using low carbon technologies by 2032. There is an urgent need to overcome the challenges preventing widespread adoption of low-carbon heating and so the opportunity in Scotland is Now.

Please join the webinar to hear from the experts from Scotland’s pubic and private organisations on the low carbon commercial opportunities for Chinese companies to access in Scotland.
Should you have any questions, please contact:  lily.zhao@scotent.co.uk.

随着《联合国气候变化框架公约》第二十六次缔约方大会 (COP26) 即将于2021年11月在苏格兰格拉斯哥举行,并且苏格兰设定了2045 年实现净零碳排放的目标,苏格兰国际发展局将于10月14日与英中贸易协会合作举办“奔向净零 - 苏格兰的低碳投资机遇”网络研讨会。本次网络研讨会将重点介绍苏格兰在海上风电、氢能和低碳供暖方面的的政策,战略和面向希望开拓欧洲低碳市场的相关企业或投资者开放的商业机遇。

苏格兰拥有欧洲25%的海上风电资源。下一轮海上风电用海竞标ScotWind目前正在进行,竞标结果将于 2022 年初宣布,这将使苏格兰海风市场规模增加至少 10GW。此次研讨会我们邀请了来自苏格兰政府,海风行业协会的专家和海风项目开发商的演讲嘉宾,具体介绍海外公司如何加入苏格兰海风市场供应链,开拓苏格兰和英国市场。

苏格兰制定了 2030 年和 2045 年分别实现 5 GW和 25 GW的制氢目标。苏格兰政府已承诺将在 2021 年至 2026 年间投资 1 亿英镑用于发展氢能经济。此次活动将介绍苏格兰目前氢能产业的发展状况,投资方向,和当地供应链的机遇。

最后,苏格兰的气候变化计划设定了到 2032 年为苏格兰 35% 的住宅和 70% 的非住宅建筑低碳供暖的中期目标。广泛应用低碳供暖挑战极大,但也带来了很多商业机遇。您将在研讨会听到详细介绍。





October 14th, 2021 8:00 AM   to   10:00 AM
Zoom Webinar